Post-surgical bodies experience their ghost parts as real, since the body is still biologically operating based on its own ingrained self-image. After my FTM top surgery, I felt itches in places that no longer existed. I felt my brain slowly reorient to the new outer limits of my body.
Body Party is a series that repurposes failed clothing detritus for imagined body parts. Ghost boob is made from a shoulderpad; its sewn line is a de-boob-ing surgery cut, its ribbon decorating it like a medical present to myself. Wiggle Pants claims my imagined transgender phallus as one that is necessarily rooted in the imaginary self within roleplay, a practice that can feel necessary when one’s self image and “real” body do not link up. Poppers pictures a flaccid buttplug, a dick in a dress, or a wilted flower.
Textile scrap by costume designer Alexa Newman.